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A day of winter magic

The day of the full spell I'll tell you

Once upon a time, in the mountains far away, there was a small village where every year, on December 1st, a strange thing happened. The villagers called this day The Winter Magic Day...


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The Christmas miracle

The miracle of Karachón I tell you

Not too far away, where the winter evenings' lights shimmer on the white blanket of snow and the streets glow with Christmas lights, there is a tiny village...


Luca chair

Luca Szeke subtitled

A long time ago, when even gentlemen walked, Luca lived in a small village near a distant forest. She was no ordinary girl, for she could see witches...


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The Angry Snowman (Zsigmond Móricz)

The Angry Hoorman Zsigmond Moricz I'm Telling You A Story

The snow was falling so heavily that it made him drunk all at once. Girl, big clumps of snow the size of a child's fist fell from the sky, and we held our faces up to let it fall on us...


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The top decoration (Györgyi Mester)

The top decoration - Mester Györgyi - I'll tell you a story

Christmas in the panel had been the same for years. According to the schematic scenario, they took out the folded silver fake pine from the linen rack, stuck the coloured glass balls on it...


The smallest cinque (Györgyi Mester)

The smallest cinque - Mester Györgyi - I'll tell you a story

Tiny was the smallest of the brothers and sisters. Even when she was laying, Cinke's mother was very protective of her little one, because she was afraid that the tiny egg would roll away somewhere in the nest and disappear from her sight...


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The Happy Snowman (Györgyi Mester)

The Happy Snowman - Mester Györgyi - I'll Tell You A Story

The first snow has fallen. And not only did it fall, but so much of it fell that it covered every corner of the forest with a thick, snow-white dunny...
