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Ildikó T. Fiser:Her Brave Adventures:The Gate

His brave adventures

Over the hill, over the meadow,
at the edge of the forest, at the end of the village,
small house with a spacious yard,
there life of the three puppies.
Away from the city noise,
Berci, Benedek and Bátor.


The Monster (Ágnes Molnárné Petrovszki)

The Beast - Green Leaves School Part 3 - Molnárné Petrovszki Ágnes - I'll Tell You A Story

Green Leaf School Part 3 One day in late October, a huge, scary creature appeared in the Fern Forest. Gamba was the first to see it, and in his fright he nearly jumped off the branch on which he had been peacefully crouching. - High Juniper Fairy! What kind of monster is that? Is it the dreaded Corky? - a frightening thought crossed his mind. - I must tell the others at once! He summoned all his courage and took wing. - Oh, I hope he can't fly! - he thought as he went. He looked back, and though he saw no one, he kept peering over his shoulder. He almost managed to head into the chest of the Hawk, who was coming towards him. Watch your beak! Poor Gamba was traumatised for the second time in a few short minutes. This time he felt dizzy and started to fall. Needle Hawk had to catch him and put him on a nearby tree branch. - What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost. - "You... you... you... you..." panted Gamba. - Well, that doesn't make me any smarter! - Hawk was impatient. He was not particularly worried, for his friend was frightened at every little thing. - A monster! - Gamba groaned with great difficulty, and when he was more or less conscious, he told him of the horror he had seen at the edge of the forest. - It might even be that


The Adventures of Little Tacsi - Birding (Barbara Farkas)

Bird Feeding - Adventures of Little Tacsi - Farkas Barbara - I'll tell you a story

Megmaradt egy darabka kenyér a Tacsiházban, ami annyira száraz volt már, hogy Anya Tacsi ki akarta dobni. De Kicsi Tacsinak jobb ötlete támadt: – Menjünk el a Nagyfolyóhoz és adjuk a vadkacsáknak! Anya Tacsi beleegyezően vakkantott egyet a kicsinyének: – Vau! Induljunk! Biztos örülnek a vízimadarak minden ennivalónak ebben a nagy hidegben! Anya Tacsi kis kockákra vagdosta, majd a zöld kosárkájába tette a száraz kenyeret. Tél lévén, jó melegen felöltöztek, és elindultak a Nagyfolyóhoz. Apa Tacsi is velük tartott, udvariasan vitte Anya Tacsi zöld kosárkáját, benne a madaraknak szánt kenyérdarabkákkal. A vadkacsák hápogását már messziről hallani lehetett. Kicsi Tacsi vidáman ugrándozott feléjük. Mikor odaértek a vízpartra, a vadkacsák azonnal köréjük sereglettek. Apa Tacsi elővett egy kenyérdarabot a kosárkából és a kicsinyének adta. Kicsi Tacsi épp lendítette a mancsát, hogy odadobja a kenyeret a madaraknak, amikor megszólalt az egyik színes tollú, öreg vadkacsa: – Kérlek, ne etessetek bennünket semmivel, találunk mi magunknak elég eleséget itt! Kicsi Tacsi és a szülei nagyon meglepődtek ezen. – Akkor kinek adjuk a kenyérdarabokat? – kérdezte Apa Tacsi a vadkacsákat. – Kérdezzétek meg a Hódtól! Ő mindent tud az állatokról. Itt lakik nem messze, a Hódvárban. – mutatta szárnyával az irányt az öreg vadkacsa. Így hát


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Dogs and cats can be friends

Dogs and cats can be friends - I'll tell you - 2

Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, a kerekerdő mélyén állt egy kis házikó, ahol két gyönyörű szép kislány élt: Gréta és Linda. Ők testvérek voltak, nagyon szerették egymást. Volt két cicájuk, Szultán és Guilbert. Ez a két macska nagyon kis rosszcsont volt. Szerettek mindig oda felmászni, ahová nem szabadott, és mindig oda elbújni, ahol nem találta meg őket senki. De nagyon szerették ám az egereket is! Ezért egyben jó cicák is voltak, mert mindig fogtak egeret. Egyszer csak Gréta is Linda nagyon szeretett volna kiskutyákat. Telt, múlt az idő, eltelt egy év is, mire kaptak két kiskutyát. Azért kellett ilyen sokáig várniuk, mert  Linda még pici volt és fel kellett nőnie egy picit, hogy ne féljen a kutyusoktól. De aztán ez a két kutya – akik hozzájuk érkeztek – szintén rosszcsontnak bizonyultak. Elnevezték őket Borzinak és Tappancsnak. Hogy miért kapták ezt a nevet? Elárulom neked. Borzi úgy nézett ki, mint egy borzas fekete bárány. Csodás fényes, fekete szőre aranyosan göndörödött. Tappancsnak szintén fénylő fekete szőre volt, viszont az ő tappancsánál egy kis fehér folt jelent meg, ezért olyan volt, mintha cipő lenne rajta. Így lett hát a nevűk Borzi és Tappancs. De, hogy szavamat ne feledjem, amikor odaköltözött ez a két


Kajla puppy learning to bark

Kajla the puppy learns to bark - I'll tell you a story

Once upon a time, on the edge of a village, lived Kajla the puppy. She was so young that she had just learned to walk. But all day long she had been listening to the deep and loud barking of the older dogs. He could not bark yet, and it bothered him very much. So he decided to ask Bodri, the oldest and most respected dog in the village, to teach him how to bark in a real, authoritative way. He didn't have to wait long, because Bodri was walking by. And Kajla, as soon as she saw him, ran up to him and asked, "Will you teach me to bark? - Oh, little Kajla! You'll have time for that! Go and play with your brothers and sisters! - said the dog, who had grown to a huge size. - But I don't want to play, I want to bark like you. 'So that all the cats will run away when they hear my voice,' insisted Kajla. - "All right," agreed Bodri. After all, I have some time. Now, listen! Say "wow, wow"! - Wow - shouted Kajla in a shrill, deafening voice. - You really have a lot to learn, but never mind. You'll get better every day. As you get bigger, your voice will get deeper. Now, say "wow" one more time.


The wedding of the king of Burkush (Mikszáth Kálmán)

The Wedding of the King of the Burkhu - Mikszáth Kálmán - I'll Tell You A Story

Do you know where is the land of the mighty king of the Burkus? To the east it borders the land of the dog-headed Tartars, to the south the Scythians, to the north it borders the empire of the Man-eating Dwarfs, and to the west it is just beyond the boundaries of the Peruvian Sea. But it is the prince of the Burkus who is the real great ruler. When he's hungry, his servants bring him a delicious garlic roast on a golden plate. When he's bored, all he has to do is fluff his magnificent moustache and the court musicians and comedians come and entertain him. Now, such a mighty ruler is the King of the Burkes. One fine day this mighty monarch sat on his golden throne, with his head bowed and his head bowed in thought. - 'What ails you, my lord king,' said the grey-bearded advisers. - 'Hark, ask not, my wise men of the court,' said the king, 'I had a wonderful dream last night. I dreamt that I was in a great forest and that I found a wonderful spring there. The sound of this spring was more beautiful than the sound of the most beautiful silver bell. And when I looked into the water of the spring, I saw a beautiful pearl shell playing in a hundred colours. From inside the beautiful pearl shell, a dwarf in red came out and said: "Go until you reach the hundredth tree. There you'll find a little house where the most beautiful girl in the world lives. She will be your wife and no one else.


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The Flying Wolf (Zsigmond Móricz)

The Flying Wolf - Zsigmond Móricz - I'll Tell You A Story

The eagle flies, flies, flies, the wolf watches, watches. - It's good to hunt, says he, says he, It's better not to live in sorrow, For it's good to do what's right, It's better to take care of what's wrong, For what's the use, hey, what's the use, Punishment will catch up with you.Hey, good for you, you eagle, If you fly away, who will find you?Have pity, my love, have pity, my saint, Teach me to fly. I'll teach you to fly, I'll teach you to fly, I'll teach you to fly. I'll teach you how to fly. - The eagle flies, the eagle flies, the wolf flies on his tail. - Can you still see, wolf?- I can see, just listen.Here is the gate of heaven,Wolf's head is hurting. - Can you still see the ground?I can't see it anymore!- Well, then you can let go,You can start your lesson. There's a capital sitting on the ground, a dirty capital, a black capital, just sitting there. - Get away from there, you coal stump, I'll knock you on your head, you lazy fellow! -Black capital doesn't move,Wolf shouts at him again:- Move aside, I say, charcoal tree,I'll knock you out, you fool! -Black capital just lying there,Wolf shouts once more:- Move aside, move aside quickly,Because I won't let you live! The capital of the scene sits still, Mr. Wolf
