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The race of Tappancs, the little rabbit (Zsófia Cseh-Dálnoky)

Tappancs the little rabbit's futoversenye Csah Dalnoky Zsofia I'm telling you a story

This is the story of a tiny rabbit who overcame himself with courage and a heart of gold! How? I'll tell you how, children! Let's see, where to begin!! Chapter One Once upon a time, across the ocean, there was a round forest, a fairy tale forest. In the middle of it, a huge old pine tree


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A little fairy tale, or the merry elves

Apro tale

On a beautiful sunny morning, two little elves, Panka and Peter, went for a walk in this beautiful meadow. The bright green leaves of the trees and the colourful, fragrant flowers were all waving at them. Bee, the tiny bee,


A day of winter magic

The day of the full spell I'll tell you

Once upon a time, in the mountains far away, there was a small village where every year, on December 1st, a strange thing happened. The villagers called this day The Winter Magic Day...


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The Christmas miracle

The miracle of Karachón I tell you

Not too far away, where the winter evenings' lights shimmer on the white blanket of snow and the streets glow with Christmas lights, there is a tiny village...


Luca chair

Luca Szeke subtitled

A long time ago, when even gentlemen walked, Luca lived in a small village near a distant forest. She was no ordinary girl, for she could see witches...


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The Angry Snowman (Zsigmond Móricz)

The Angry Hoorman Zsigmond Moricz I'm Telling You A Story

The snow was falling so heavily that it made him drunk all at once. Girl, big clumps of snow the size of a child's fist fell from the sky, and we held our faces up to let it fall on us...


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