At one time the Wind argued with the Sun. The dispute was over which was stronger.
Then one day the Sun said to the Wind:
- Let's try it, there's a man with a cape over there, let's try it, which one of us is stronger, which one of us takes the cape off his shoulders.
The Wind took hold of the man's collar first, and tore and tugged at his cloak back and forth, but the more he tugged, the more the poor man wrapped himself in it, and would not let the cloak fall away.
When the Wind had exhausted itself in vain, the Sun began to smile at the passenger, warmly, ever warmer. The pious one slowly untangled himself from the cloak, then took it off completely, and later took off his coat and waistcoat.
- "See," said the Sun to the Wind, "that I am stronger than you?
(Ágnes Kovács: Folk tales for kindergarten children)