The winter is over, the snowdrops have opened, the violets have stuck their blue heads out of the ground.
The sun, up in the sky, was shining brighter and brighter, but the green grass, the trees and the bushes, did not quite have the golden-yellow, warming colour of spring.
During his tour of the Earth, Father Nature was also taken aback.
How can this be changed? Change what?! Well, to make living beings, including humans, feel the benefits of the sunshine, the warmth of spring, the warmth of the golden colour of the sun.
If someone looked up at the sky and smiled at the sun, it smiled back at them.
But you can't keep staring at the sky all spring! You have to look under your feet, because if you don't, you're bound to fall.
Father Nature wondered about this: his artistic ability to make the environment colourful had already been demonstrated to the people of the land.
But since the golden colour of spring and the warmth of the sun were not yet everywhere, Father Nature thought of a solution: he got out one of his best brushes and started to draw and then paint.
What did he draw? Well, a lot of beautiful flowers! As soon as she had finished one of her drawings, she dipped her brush in the sun and painted the flower golden yellow.
This is how "primrose" was found on the banks of the ditch, "meadow buttercup" in the fields, "rape" in the fields, and "marsh stork's cry" among the clumps of grass - the bogs - standing in the water.
With the arrival of spring, the gardens that people tended were also full of colour, but there was a demand for more yellow "pansies" in the flowerbeds and yellow "lady's petals" next to the garden gates.
In the glades of the woods, the "spring heron" has also popped its golden yellow head up thanks to the skilful hand of Father Nature.
The brilliant, warm yellow colour was already there, but to make it even more striking, Father Nature dipped his brush into the sun again and again, borrowing its brilliance to make the petals of the flowers shimmer.
The grass of the woods, fields, meadows and mows, the neatly trimmed lawns of the gardens were already well dotted with the many, many shining yellow flowers, but then Father Nature realised that the bushes and trees had not yet received their bright yellow blossoms.
She was a bit tired from all the work, from painting all the flowers. He was even hot, which is no wonder when you work close to the sun, where you get the yellow paint and the shimmering light. But what could you do? Once he'd taken the job, he didn't want to work half-heartedly.
Meanwhile, he found a solution: the acacia trees were in early flower. Father Nature thought the snow-white acacia flowers smelled delicious, but they were very simple. So let there be some that are not fragrant but have bright yellow clusters. And so the tree called "golden rain" was born.
He also covered the branches of some bushes with tiny yellow flowers, and to avoid any misunderstanding, he called them "goldenrod".
Even before he finished the big job, he painted some of the white "tulips" yellow to make the gardens and parks more beautiful.
When he put the brush down, he was amazed at the sight, which was truly eye-catching.
Then he looked up at the sun and smiled.
The little sun smiled back at Father Nature, knowing that these beautiful, bright yellow flowers were created by the two of them together, bringing Spring down from the sky to the earth.