Kata Rabbit was painting eggs when she was approached by her friend Füles.
- Hi Kata! "What are you doing?" asked Ears, curiously.
- Hi Ears! I'm painting eggs for Easter. Look how pretty they are! - Kata Rabbit was happy.
- They are really beautiful! I haven't started preparing for Easter yet. What are you still doing?
- I want to make Easter baskets for my friends. But unfortunately I don't know how to do it.
- "No problem," reassured Ears, "I'll help you! I want to make a basket too, and I have a good idea.
- Thank you very much, Phillies! What were you thinking? - asked Kata Rabbit excitedly.
- First, we look for a good place to find beautiful flowers. Then we gather the most beautiful flowers and branches to decorate our baskets with.
- Great idea! Let's go now! - Kata enthused.
So Kata Rabbit and Ears set off to find the most beautiful flowers and branches for the Easter baskets. On the way they met a little bunny sitting sadly on the ground.
- What's wrong, little bunny? - Kata Rabbit asked him.
- "I don't have a basket for Easter and I can't collect eggs," the little rabbit lamented.
- Don't worry little bunny, we'll help you! Come and join us! - Ears offered.
The three bunnies continue their journey together to find the most beautiful flowers. And they spent the afternoon decorating their baskets. The little bunny was delighted to thank them for their help and to know that he had made new friends with whom he could now celebrate Easter every year.