The donkey envied the puppy's wealth, that he was allowed to enter the most beautiful room, to lie on the most beautiful litter, to walk all day, to do nothing, yet he gets the flame and the good of everything, and all he gets is the spike and the thorn. He asked the dog:
- Why does the mistress love you so?
- 'Because I can wag my tail and serve on two legs,' said the dog.
- 'Well, that's not difficult,' said the donkey, 'I'll try it myself.
When the kitchen was open, he turned in. He stood on two legs, wagging his tail, stretching his legs to give me a handshake. The mistress was frightened and whacked him with a dusting stick. To this day the poor donkey wonders why he was beaten for praising the dog.
(Ágnes Kovács: Folk tales for kindergarten children)