The wild pigeon is a beautiful bird, but it doesn't know how to nest. I'll tell you why.
A long time ago, back in the past, the wild pigeon wanted to learn how to nest. He saw how the magpie made magnificent nests out of thin twigs and twigs.
She went to him and asked nicely:
- Dear magpie buddy, teach me how to nest!
- "With a good heart," said the magpie.
Suddenly he picked up a bundle of twigs, placed one on top of the other, and explained to the pigeon:
- Just so, just so, just so, just so.
The wild pigeon did not understand, but was ashamed to admit it. He kept saying:
- I'm hiking, I'm hiking, I'm hiking.
- "Well, if you can, do it," said the magpie angrily, and left the wild pigeon with the half-loaded nest.
The wild pigeon has never learned to nest, and if the magpie doesn't get along with him, he never will.
(Elek Benedek: Hungarian tale- and mythology Volume 2)
*Civilisation: the old world, prehistoric.